Sean Roberts - President & Chief Operations Officer
Mr. Sean Roberts co-founded Secure 1 Services in 2010. He is an eight year United States Air Force veteran and served tours both domestic and international. During his military career, Sean routinely aided the U.S. President, Joint Chiefs of Staff and worked closely with Joint Special Operations Command units by providing immediate first response aerial rapid deployment of personnel and cargo in support of classified national security missions. Sean was also contributory in providing national and international protection through classified air-to-ground special operations and reconnaissance missions.
Sean’s military training built his thorough knowledge base of anti-terrorism, force protection, interrogation and evasion tactics, Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (S.E.R.E.), combat survival, and water survival. He is a decorated recipient of one Air Force Achievement Medal, two National Defense medals and two Air Force Commendation medals for his distinctive accomplishments.
As an avid martial arts practitioner, Sean holds over twenty years of training and instruction under the disciplines of Wing Tsun Kung Fu, Filipino Escrima and the Silat and Kuntao Kali edged weapons fighting systems. He has instructed at numerous self-defense seminars and workshops nationwide and has trained under some of the best master practitioners within his styles.
Through his previous work in executive protection for a private, nationally based security firm, Sean provided threat assessment and personal bodyguard protective services for some of the most prominent public figures in the United States. He employed his martial arts expertise while partnering with the firm, and served as the certified Defensive Tactics Instructor for the Midwest and Southern U.S. Regions.
Sean is a trained marksman in firearms proficient in pistol, tactical rifle and long rifle weaponry. He is a Texas state licensed Level IV PPO (Personal Protection Officer) bodyguard and is also medically certified in CPR and First Aid through the National Safety Council.
Sean holds degrees in Visual Communications and Aerospace Science, and he is certified in Web Development/Business Programming.